@Diogenesister: again, we don’t know the complete story. According to the evidence at hand, the property was clearly marked private and the youngsters were looking for a party, according to the homeowner shining bright lights, revving their engine and driving wildly.
It takes time to get, load and shoot a gun. People make mistakes, I think in both cases, if the ‘victims’ were actually innocent (which we know historically has been rarely true once the trial starts), they were tragic, I’m not sure without intent they could be classified murder.
Especially with crime skyrocketing everywhere and police refusing to handle it because BLM/Antifa terrorists, we’ll see more and more of it, just a few days ago, someone ‘repossessed’ their stolen truck when the police refused to do anything even though they had a GPS-location, those people were in Texas, so they weren’t charged.